33 research outputs found

    Homologies of Algebraic Structures via Braidings and Quantum Shuffles

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    In this paper we construct "structural" pre-braidings characterizing different algebraic structures: a rack, an associative algebra, a Leibniz algebra and their representations. Some of these pre-braidings seem original. On the other hand, we propose a general homology theory for pre-braided vector spaces and braided modules, based on the quantum co-shuffle comultiplication. Applied to the structural pre-braidings above, it gives a generalization and a unification of many known homology theories. All the constructions are categorified, resulting in particular in their super- and co-versions. Loday's hyper-boundaries, as well as certain homology operations are efficiently treated using the "shuffle" tools

    Applications of self-distributivity to Yang-Baxter operators and their cohomology

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    Self-distributive (SD) structures form an important class of solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation, which underlie spectacular knot-theoretic applications of self-distributivity. It is less known that one go the other way round, and construct an SD structure out of any left non-degenerate (LND) set-theoretic YBE solution. This structure captures important properties of the solution: invertibility, involutivity, biquandle-ness, the associated braid group actions. Surprisingly, the tools used to study these associated SD structures also apply to the cohomology of LND solutions, which generalizes SD cohomology. Namely, they yield an explicit isomorphism between two cohomology theories for these solutions, which until recently were studied independently. The whole story leaves numerous open questions. One of them is the relation between the cohomologies of a YBE solution and its associated SD structure. These and related questions are covered in the present survey

    Cohomology of idempotent braidings, with applications to factorizable monoids

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    We develop new methods for computing the Hochschild (co)homology of monoids which can be presented as the structure monoids of idempotent set-theoretic solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation. These include free and symmetric monoids; factorizable monoids, for which we find a generalization of the K{\"u}nneth formula for direct products; and plactic monoids. Our key result is an identification of the (co)homologies in question with those of the underlying YBE solutions, via the explicit quantum symmetrizer map. This partially answers questions of Farinati--Garc{\'i}a-Galofre and Dilian Yang. We also obtain new structural results on the (co)homology of general YBE solutions

    Cohomology of finite monogenic self-distributive structures

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    A shelf is a set with a binary operation~\op satisfying a \op (b \op c) = (a \op b) \op (a \op c). Racks are shelves with invertible translations b \mapsto a \op b; many of their aspects, including cohomological, are better understood than those of general shelves. Finite monogenic shelves (FMS), of which Laver tables and cyclic racks are the most famous examples, form a remarkably rich family of structures and play an important role in set theory. We compute the cohomology of FMS with arbitrary coefficients. On the way we develop general tools for studying the cohomology of shelves. Moreover, inside any finite shelf we identify a sub-rack which inherits its major characteristics, including the cohomology. For FMS, these sub-racks are all cyclic

    Two- and three-cocycles for Laver tables

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    We determine all 2- and 3-cocycles for Laver tables, an infinite sequence of finite structures obeying the left-selfdistributivity law; in particular, we describe simple explicit bases. This provides a number of new positive braid invariants and paves the way for further potential topological applications. Incidentally, we establish and study a partial ordering on Laver tables given by the right-divisibility relation